The Sparrow's Fall

God notices us and our needs. This week I got a 71% on my Physiology test, and this was devastating to me. I have been doing a lot: I had a job working 20 hours a week at 4 am, I was volunteering at the hospital, part of the student outreach council, and working at the temple, taking 14 credit hours and spending every other available moment working on my relationships. I felt like I had neither the spare time or energy to put even more effort into my Physiology class so that I could actually do well in the course. Chipping Sparrow John James Audubon On Wednesday, I had class at 1 and we were going to have an in class quiz. It was 12, and I was in the Jessie Knight building trying to figure out what the material was that we had learned on Monday because I had been sick. I was crying on the phone to my mom, and she that she needed to go, but for me to call my friend in the class for help and then call her back. I hung up, and immediately started freaking out. I felt unable to ask t...