Know ye not that ye are in the Hands of God?

I know that we are all in the hands of God and He is taking care of us. How? Because I have seen that so much in my life this week in the simple things. Signs that are unmistakably from Him. And I wanted to share just a couple of these experiences that particularly impressed me. The little girl is on the far left, and the butterfly is her mom's head. This week I was nervous about going back to school and all the changes it would bring. The last day I was working in the temple, one of my fellow workers told that when I was in the chapel I needed to look at a specific painting on the wall and find what the little girl in that painting was pointing to. She was really excited about it, so when I got up there I looked for it. I couldn't figure out what she was meaning because there were two paintings on the wall in there, so I gave up. A few minutes later she unexpectedly came up and asked me if I had looked at the painting yet. When I told her I couldn't ...