That great and last sacrifice

The adjustment back to school has not been easy. I love most of my classes, but leaving my family and social support group for the third time this year has been difficult. It is easy to feel lost and overlooked in such a big school, especially because I am not in a major yet. I miss my family and my mission. I was beginning to feel like no one cared about me or anyone else who was struggling, but there was a lot this week that contradicted that fear. Last Sunday, Karina convinced me to go to ward prayer even though I was nervous about it. I was just standing there awkwardly, until I overheard two people next to me talking about Dungeons and Dragons. I joined in on the conversation, and ended up having a super long conversation with them. I made some new friends just because of where I was standing when I went to ward prayer. On Friday, I was leaving my German class, and I wasn't feeling the best. I was really worried about the next paper that was due on Monday, and I wante...