Everything has a Season

This week I went to a stress evaluation center at BYU called the Biofeedback lab. There they hook you up to whole bunch of monitors and measure your stress response in your heart rate, breathing, hand temperature, and muscle tension. Then they teach you to control that response through breathing, and other methods. I was practicing my breathing with a pacer, where you have to breathe along with a moving dot. I was actually getting a bit stressed about doing it right, and worried that I wasn't going to be ready to breathe out or in when the dot told me to. As I was worrying, I suddenly realized that I was being ridiculous. Sure, if I didn't breathe in when I needed to it was going to hurt, and if I didn't breathe out when I needed to, it was going to hurt, but I couldn't breathe in when I was breathing out, or out when I was breathing in. I physically could not do both at the same time, so there was not point in worrying about the next step until it was time to do it. ...